Annalee Good

Annalee Good is an evaluator and researcher at the Wisconsin Center for Education Research, Co-director of the Wisconsin Evaluation Collaborative, and Co-Director of the WCER Clinical Program. She collaborates with many youth-serving organizations through culturally responsive research, evaluation, and policy engagement.
Annalee supports partners through technical assistance and direct evaluation in areas including: logic models, theories of action, mixed method evaluation plans, qualitative data collection and analysis, communicating evidence to stakeholders, and youth and community engagement.
She also is engaged in a variety of research projects where she has published and presented on topics including the use of digital tools in schools, the role of K-12 teachers in the creation of public policy, the role of tutoring in school reform, and equitable access to advanced learning programs. Annalee also is active in the Wisconsin chapter of Scholars Strategy Network. She was an 8th grade social studies teacher before earning her master’s and doctoral degrees in Educational Policy Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Selected publications:
2023). Creating collaborative spaces to practice praxis. New Directions for Evaluation, 2023, 123–134. Available here.
, , , , , , , , , , , , , & (Heinrich, C., Darling-Aduana, J., Good, A. (2020). Delivering on the Promise: Increasing Equity and Quality of Educational Opportunities in Digital Learning. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press. Available here.
Darling-Aduana, J., Good, A., & L. Geraghty. (2020). “The Culture of Power Online: Cultural Responsiveness and Relevance in Vendor-Developed Online Courses.” Urban Education.
Heinrich, C., Darling-Aduana, J., Good, A., & Cheng, H. (2019). “A look inside online educational settings in high school: Promise and pitfalls for improving educational opportunities and outcomes.” American Educational Research Journal.
Darling-Aduana, J., Good, A., & C. Heinrich. (2019). “Mapping the inequity implications of help-seeking in online credit-recovery classrooms.” Teachers College Record.
Good, A. (2018). Teachers at the Table: Voice, Agency, and Advocacy in Educational Policymaking. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, Rowman and Littlefield. Available here.
Heinrich, C. & A. Good. (2018). Research-Informed Practice Improvements: Exploring Linkages between School District Use of Research Evidence and Educational Outcomes over Time. School Effectiveness and School Improvement.
Good, A., Barocas, S.F., Chávez-Moreno, L., Feldman, R., & C. Canela. (2017). A Seat at the Table: How the Work of Teaching Impacts Teachers as Policy Agents. Peabody Journal of Education.
Burch, P., Good, A., & C. Heinrich. (2016). Improving Access to, Quality, and the Effectiveness of Digital Tutoring in K12 Education. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis.
Stewart, M. & A. Good. (2016). Marketing, Information, and Parental Choice: A Comparative Case Study of Third-party, Federally Funded Out-of-school-time Services. Peabody Journal of Education.
Burch, P. & A. Good. (2015). The Conversation Before the Contract: A Framework for Dialogue Between School Districts and Digital Education Providers. Phi Delta Kappan.
Burch, P. & A. Good. (2014). Equal Scrutiny: Privatization and Accountability in Digital Education. Cambridge: Harvard Education Press. Available here.
Heinrich, C., Burch, P., Good, A., Acosta, R., Cheng, E., Dillender, M., Kirshbaum, C., Nisar, H. & M. Stewart. (2014). Improving the Implementation and Effectiveness of Out-of-School-Time Tutoring: A Longitudinal Multisite, Mixed-Method Investigation. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.
Good, A., Burch, P., Stewart, M., Acosta, R., & C. Heinrich. (2014). Instruction Matters: Lessons From a Mixed-Method Evaluation of Out-of-School Time Tutoring Under No Child Left Behind. Teachers College Record.
Good, A. (2009). Framing American Indians as the “First Americans”: Using Critical Multiculturalism to Trouble the Normative American Story. Social Studies Research and Practice.
Contact Information
Phone: (608) 262-2063
Office: 1186F Ed Sciences
Current Projects
Wisconsin Evaluation CollaborativeWEC General
Am Fam Gift
Baldwin WI Idea Grant
Completed Projects
A Multisite Evaluation of the Implementation and Impact of Supplemental Educational ServicesScaling Up Smart Spaces for Underrepresented Gifted Students Through the Response to Intervention Framework
Improving the Effectiveness of Digital Educational Tools in Increasing Student Achievement
Improving the Effectiveness of Digital Educational Tools in Increasing Student Achievement and Reducing Achievement Gaps
WEC Oscar Rennebohm
Javits Expanding Excellence - Milwaukee Public Schools
Does the Labor Market Give Credit for Learning Online? The Impacts of K12 Digital Learning on Post-Secondary and Labor Market Outcomes
Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS) 2020-2024: Facilitating Data Integration through Equity-Driven Research-Practice Partnerships
Scaling-Up Expanding Excellence for Underrepresented Students ("SEE US!") - Year 4 Initial Term
Scaling-Up Expanding Excellence for Underrepresented Students ("SEE US!") - Years 4 & 5
Expanding Advanced Learning Opportunities in Research, Evaluation, and Leadership for Equity
Research, Evaluation, and Policy for Equity: Expanding Applied Opportunities for Advanced Learning
The Shalom Curriculum Project