MSAN Institute Returns April 10-11, 2025
Registration For Conference Now Open
February 12, 2025 | By WCER Communications

MSAN Executive Director Latoya Holiday
MADISON, Wis. – The Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER) and the Multicultural Student Achievement Network (MSAN) announced that registration is open for the 2025 MSAN Institute. The two-day professional learning conference will take place in Madison on April 10 and 11.
The professional development event is for K–12 teachers, principals, other school staff and school district leaders who want to learn about current research and best practices to create schools that help all students feel at home and be successful. Last year’s conference drew 200 school leaders to Madison for a program on evaluating equity initiatives and using data for systems change.
The theme of this year's MSAN Institute is "New Approaches, Different Possibilities, and Uncharted Paths: Transforming Schools into Spaces of Belonging Where All Can Thrive."
“It’s thinking about how to do things differently and finding new ways to approach our challenges,” said MSAN Executive Director Latoya Holiday about the conference theme. “We want to widen our lens for how we can do things better on behalf of kids to improve schools.”
This year’s conference program offers breakout sessions, networking groups and remarks from UW–Madison School of Education Dean Marcelle Haddix, a leading scholar in literacy and teacher education, with a focus on the experiences of students and teachers of color.
The conference will also include a keynote address from Dr. Patricia Baquedano-López, professor at the UC Berkeley School of Education, and reflections from a panel of Dane County high school students who are equity leaders in their schools.
"Every year we have a student panel share about their experiences in school and offer their insight on what teachers and staff can do to make school a more inclusive learning environment," said Connie Showalter, MSAN project manager. "MSAN’s core values emphasize student identity, leadership and voice. If we take time to listen, our students provide valuable ideas to improve schools for everyone — students, teachers, administrators, and staff."
Now in its 26th year, MSAN is a national coalition of 22 multiracial school districts working together to build the capacity of students and educators to improve the educational experiences and outcomes of students of color by learning and leading together.
Breakout sessions during the conference will last 75 minutes each and be focused on any of three areas:
- equity-focused leadership
- student engagement and belonging
- innovative instruction and inclusive classrooms
Each MSAN member district can send up to six people to the conference for free, with a cost of $400 per person for additional staff. The cost for non-members is $500 per person.
About The Multicultural Student Achievement Network
As a network of equity-focused districts, MSAN shares best practices, analyzes policies, participates in research and sponsors professional learning opportunities. MSAN member districts hail from Arizona, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Virginia, North Carolina, Michigan, Illinois, Ohio and Wisconsin. Member school districts from Wisconsin include Madison, Middleton-Cross Plains, Sun Prairie and Waunakee.
Since 1999, MSAN has worked to achieve the parallel goals of eliminating disparities while ensuring all students have the opportunity to reach their highest potential.
About the Wisconsin Center for Education Research
The Wisconsin Center for Education Research at the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s #1 ranked public School of Education is one of the first and most productive education research centers in the world. It has assisted scholars and practitioners in developing, submitting, conducting and sharing grant-funded education research for over 60 years.
WCER’s mission is to improve educational outcomes for diverse student populations, positively impact education practice and foster collaborations among academic disciplines and practitioners.