The Importance of Meaning: Going Beyond Mixed Methods to Turn Big Data into Real Understanding
October 16, 2018, 12:00 - 1:00
Union South (See TITU for room details), 1308 W. Dayton Street
David Williamson Shaffer, Director & Principal Investigator, Epistemic Analytics
Sponsor: E.I. Initiative and DoIT

In this age of Big Data, how do we keep from being overwhelmed by the sheer volume of traditional qualitative and quantitative data? How can we use statistical methods to support grounded inquiry into human behavior?
David Williamson Shaffer from the School of Education and Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER) was the keynote speaker at the international Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (LAK ‘18) in Australia. Most of us weren’t able to join him down under at the conference, however we have another opportunity closer to home.
This talk will focus on how to take a critical step in the field of learning analytics; moving beyond looking for patterns in mountains of data, and instead telling textured stories at scale.
This is part of a series of learning analytics events co-sponsored by the Educational Innovation (EI) Initiative and DoIT Academic Technology.