Christine Pfund

Senior Scientist & Deputy Director

Christine Pfund, Ph.D. is a senior scientist with the Wisconsin Center for Education Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  Dr. Pfund earned her Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Biology, followed by post-doctoral research in Plant Pathology, both at University of Wisconsin-Madison. From 2003-2013, Chris served as the Associate Director of the Delta Program in Research, Teaching and Learning helping to train future faculty to become better more effective teachers. Chris now conducts research with several programs across the UW campus including the Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR) and the Center for Women’s Health Research (CWHR). Her work focuses on developing, implementing, documenting, and studying a seminar to train research mentors across science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM). She has co-authored a manual for facilitators of this seminar, Entering Mentoring, and co-authored several papers documenting the effectiveness of this approach. Currently, Dr. Pfund is co-leading two studies focused on the impact of training on both mentors and mentees and understanding specific factors in mentoring relationships that account for positive student outcomes including the role of culture.  Dr. Pfund is the principal investigator of the NIH-funded National Research Mentoring Network Coordination Center. She is also director of the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER), housed in WCER.

Contact Information
Phone: (608) 263-3451
Office: 571P Ed Sciences

Current Projects

Impact of Culturally Aware Mentoring Interventions on Research Mentors and Graduate Training Programs
Optimizing the Mentoring Relationships of Gilliam Fellows and their Mentors: Phase 2
CIMER - Howard Hughes Medical Institution Scientific Mentorship Initiative
Optimizing the Mentoring Relationships of Gilliam Fellows and their Mentors: Phase 2 (Broad Institute Subaward Account)
Optimizing the Mentoring Relationships of Gilliam Fellows and their Mentors: Phase 2 (Duke University Subaward Account)

Completed Projects

Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL)
Improving Undergraduate Research Experiences in STEM through Mentor Training
Delta Project
What Matters in Mentoring? Effect of Mentor Cultural Awareness on Mentee Outcomes
Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER)
Improving the Mentoring Relationships of Gilliam Fellows and their Mentors
NSF INCLUDES Alliance: Inclusive Graduate Education Network
Center for Coordination of Analytics, Science, Enhancement, and Logistics (CASEL) in Tobacco Regulatory Science
Center for Coordination of Analytics, Science, Enhancement, and Logistics (CASEL) in Tobacco Regulatory Science - Year 2
NSF INCLUDES Alliance: Inclusive Graduate Education Network
Center for Coordination of Analytics, Science, Enhancement, and Logistics (CASEL) in Tobacco Regulatory Science - Year 3
NSF INCLUDES Alliance: Inclusive Graduate Education Network - Year 5
National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) Coordination Center
NSF INCLUDES Alliance: Inclusive Graduate Education Network (Year 5)