Lucas Hill
Associate Researcher / Evaluator

Contact Information
Phone: (608) 263-5820
Office: 571N Ed Sciences
Current Projects
Understanding How Students' Sense of Belonging Develops During Undergraduate Field Experiences: Supports, Barriers, and Implications for FacultyCollaborative Research: NSF INCLUDES National Alliance for Inclusive and Diverse STEM Faculty (NAIDSF)
Advancing STEM Teaching Professional Development through the Faculty Inclusive Teaching Survey (FITS) Guidebook (Main account)
Completed Projects
Impact of Professional Development Programs on Future STEM Scholars: A Mixed-Methods Longitudinal StudyNSF's Eddie Bernice Johnson INCLUDES Aspire Alliance
Developing Change Leaders to Advance Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: A CIRTL Change Leadership Development Program
Collaborative Research: NSF INCLUDES Alliance: National Alliance for Inclusive and Diverse STEM Faculty (NAIDSF) (U of Maryland Account)
Collaborative Research: NSF INCLUDES Alliance: National Alliance for Inclusive and Diverse STEM Faculty (NAIDSF) (Michigan St Subaward)
Collaborative Research: NSF INCLUDES Alliance: National Alliance for Inclusive and Diverse STEM Faculty (NAIDSF) (CERSE/U of Wash. Subaward)