Patricia Blanco
Professional Learning Specialist

Tricia Blanco is a Professional Learning Curriculum Specialist at WIDA. Within a collaborative, iterative process involving stakeholders and colleagues, she designs and develops trusted professional development products and services for educators working with linguistically and culturally diverse children, their families and communities.
Previously, Tricia worked for 13 years in Crystal Lake, IL, where she served as ELL/ dual language director, curriculum specialist, and dual language/ELL teacher. She also developed and facilitated blended professional learning courses for district personnel and taught ELL certification coursework at the university level. Prior to her work in Illinois, she co- founded and ran a bilingual school in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, for 12 years, following her service in the Peace Corps there. Tricia holds two master’s degrees, one in early childhood special education and the other in educational leadership and is certified in bilingual education. Her bachelor’s degree is in speech pathology. Tricia enjoys reading, biking, travelling and spending time with family and friends.