Elisabeth Geraghty
WEC Evaluator

Lisa Geraghty is an assistant researcher with the Wisconsin Evaluation Collaborative. Her work includes program evaluation of educational initiatives at the state and district level as well as project management support for projects within the organization. Lisa has worked as a school administration consultant for the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and has experience as a classroom teacher. Lisa holds a master’s degree in public affairs from the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s La Follette School of Public Affairs and a master’s degree in education from Northwestern University.
Contact Information
Phone: (608) 576-6078
Office: 1190 Ed Sciences
Completed Projects
Milwaukee Classroom Value-Added InitiativeValue Added and Growth Model Demonstration Project
READ 180 Evaluation Project
School Quality in Public and Private Schools in Wisconsin
Tulsa Public Schools Value-Added Project (Year 2)
Statewide Value-Added Project