Christine Pribbenow
Senior Scientist

Christine M. Pribbenow, Ph.D., is a Senior Scientist in the Wisconsin Center for Education Research. She is the PI of multiple grants including a project titled, Fair Play: Bias Literacy and Resiliency Training to Empower the Future Biomedical Workforce (NIH R25GM114002, 2020-2025). As a professional evaluator, she uses mixed methodology to assess student and faculty learning, and to evaluate educational programming at various institutions and organizations. She has been the Evaluation Director on a variety of programs to increase the number of underrepresented minorities in STEMM, including the Women in Science and Engineering Leadership Institute (NSF-ADVANCE), the “Fair Play” project (NIH-Pathfinder award), and the Wisconsin Alliance for Minority Participation (NSF-LSAMP) all at UW-Madison. She has also served as the External Evaluator for ASM’s Biology Scholars Program and the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS), funded by the NIH.
Current Projects include:
Fair Play Project for STEMM Faculty
Fair Play Project for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scientists
Scientific Mentorship Program (HHMI)
WI School of Medicine and Public Health, WPP-CIG grant: Supporting the Social Emotional Health of Black/African American Students in parthership with McFarland School District and Natural Circles of Support
Inclusive Leadership in the Wisconsin School of Business with the Institute for Diversity Science
Contact Information
Phone: (608) 263-4256
Office: 551R Ed Sciences
Current Projects
LEAD ProjectsFair Play: Bias Literacy and Resiliency Training to Empower the Future Biomedical Workforce
Fair Play Fee For Service Projects
Completed Projects
Biology Scholars Program (formerly Enhancing Learning Improvements through Evidence (ELITE) Scholars Program)ARRA Virtual Games for STEMM Faculty to Break the Bias Habit
Evaluation Services for the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students
Breaking the Bias Cycle for Future Scientists: A Workshop to Learn, Experience and Change