Jessica Arrigoni

Jessica Arrigoni is a qualitative researcher and program evaluator for WCER. She began her career at WCER in 2008. Within WCER, she is part of the Wisconsin Evaluation Collaborative (WEC) team. Jessica collaborates extensively with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, as well as with community and Tribal partners, statewide professional associations, IHEs, Cooperative Educational Service Agencies (CESAs), and school districts. These collaborative partnerships center on program evaluation planning, implementation, and use of findings to inform program improvements, as well as technical assistance and capacity building. Jessica uses culturally responsive frameworks and centers equity in her work. In addition to her roles at WEC, Jessica serves as president of her local board of education and has served for nearly 25 years on the board of directors for a national, non-partisan voter education organization. Jessica has a bachelor’s degree (Truman State University) and a master’s degree (Indiana State University) in Political Science.
Work with Jessica to…
- Facilitate logic model development
- Co-create evaluation plans and evaluation questions
- Design, programming and administer surveys
- Formulate interview and focus group protocols; conduct interviews and focus groups
- Review and develop rubrics
- Draft literature reviews
- Analyze data and co-interpret evaluation results
- Disseminate findings
- Use findings to inform continuous improvement efforts
Sample of Current and Past Projects
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
- Educator Effectiveness System, technical support & program evaluation
- Comprehensive School Mental Health & Trauma Sensitive Schools, technical support & program evaluation
- Employee Culture & Climate, and Professional Learning & Wellness surveys, survey analysis
- Strategic Planning Internal & External Feedback Collection, survey and focus group analysis
- Statewide System of Support, technical support & program evaluation
- Academic & Career Planning, program evaluation
- Personalized Learning Improvement Community, technical support & program evaluation
- Deliberation Dinners, program evaluation
- Native American Center for Health Professions, program evaluation
- Earth Partnership, program evaluation
- Odyssey Junior, program evaluation
Association of Wisconsin School Administrators
- Professional Academies, program evaluation
Kenosha Unified School District
- Elementary Math Curriculum, program evaluation
Chicago Community Trust
- Education Grant Program, program evaluation
Milwaukee Public Schools
- Leadership Development and Career Path Programs, program evaluation
Selected Publications
Heneman, H., Worth, R., Arrigoni, J., Kimball, S., and Milanowski, A. (2013). Teacher performance pay programs and necessary communication actions. Journal of School Public Relations, 34, 114-138.
Heneman, H., Kimball, S., Worth, R., Arrigoni, J., Marlin, D. (2018). Compensation practices of school districts when collective bargaining disappears. Leadership and Policy in Schools. DOI: 10.1080/15700763.2018.1469155
Kimball, S., Arrigoni, J., Clifford, M., Yoder, M., Milanowski, A. (2015). District Leadership for Effective Principal Evaluation and Support. Report for the Teacher Incentive Fund. Madison, WI: Wisconsin Center for Education Research.
Kimball, S., Heneman, H., Worth, R., Arrigoni, J., and Marlin, D. (2016). Teacher compensation: Standard practices and changes in Wisconsin. WCER Working Paper No. 2016-5. Retrieved from University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin Center for Education Research website:
Kimball, S., Arrigoni, J., Heneman, H., Geraghty, E., Marlin, D., Carl, B., Rainey, K. (2019). The Wisconsin learning-centered teacher evaluation study: Informing policy and practice. WCER Working Paper No. 2019-6.
Kimball, S., Arrigoni, J., Marlin, D., Geraghty, E., Heneman, H., Carl, B., Milanowski, A., Jones, C., & Rainey, K. (2021). Learning-centered teacher evaluation. Leadership and Policy in Schools. DOI: 10.1080/15700763.2021.1977965
Kimball, S., Arrigoni. J., Schroeder, J., & Landish, J. (2022). Sailing with transformational team-based learning: Districts explain how a two-year leadership training academy helped them. Wisconsin School News, 76(9), 14 – 18.
Kimball, S., & Arrigoni, J. (2023). Principles for principal evaluation: A Study into how Wisconsin districts are growing leaders and improving schools. Wisconsin School News, 78(1),16-19.
Selected Presentations
Arrigoni, J., Dryer, G., Kallio, J., & Kimball, S. (2018, August 14). Formative assessment rubrics for personalized learning. Play Make Learn Conference, UW-Madison.
Dryer, G., Lee, C., Strikwerda, A., Arrigoni, J., & Halverson, R. (2020, April 17-21). Mapping key instructional practices for equity in personalized learning [Interactive Presentation Gallery]. AERA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (Conference canceled)
Kimball, S., & Arrigoni, J. (2018, April 15). Leveraging a Networked Improvement Community to Strengthen Program Coherence: Case Studies of Two Innovation Schools. AERA Annual Meeting, New York, NY.
Contact Information
Phone: (608) 265-2619
Office: 1186D Ed Sciences