Timothy Boals
Research Director /Senior PI
Tim Boals is the Founder and a Senior Principal Investigator at WIDA. He holds a Ph.D. in curriculum from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with an emphasis in the education of multilingual learners. His background includes language education, educational policy, curriculum, and Spanish language and literature.
As Senior PI, Tim is responsible for thought leadership initiatives at WIDA. He also serves on the leadership team and is an advisor to the WIDA Executive Director, Jenni Torres. In his role directing thought leadership, Tim convenes researchers and policy makers to discuss current topics in serving multilingual learners and how WIDA can further develop language standards, assessments and resources to meet the needs of the field.
Tim's research interests involve the interplay between content and language learning for multilingual learners across the language acquisition continuum and the effects of standards on classroom practice for these learners. He has collaborated on articles about re-conceptualization of academic language and the evolving construct of English language testing, the books "Multilingual Learners and Academic Literacies" and "Formative Language Assessment for ELLs," and a book chapter on supporting multilingual learners with special needs. Current writings and presentations include the topic of opportunity to learn for multilingual learners and what is required to ensure high quality academic environments for these students.
Tim has presented at international, national and regional conferences on the challenges facing multilingual learners and how schools and educators can better meet their needs.
Contact Information
Phone: (608) 263-4326
Office: 1161K Ed Sciences
Current Projects
WIDACompleted Projects
Obtaining Necessary Parity through Academic Rigor (ONPAR)Literacy in Assessment and Data Designed for Effective Results for English Language Learners (LADDER)
The MAGIC Project: Linking Teacher Training to ELL Students' Performance
AERA Education Research Association Conference
ASSETS: Assessment Services Supporting ELs through Technology Systems
Developing Culturally Responsive Native Language Assessment Systems
Developing Culturally Responsive Native Language Assessment Systems - YR2
Developing Culturally Responsive Native Language Assessment Systems
Developing Culturally Responsive Native Language Assessment Systems - Year 5
Developing Culturally Responsive Native Language Assessment Systems - Year 5 & NCE
Developing Culturally Responsive Native Language Assessment Systems - Year 5 Carryover