Hannah Park
WIDA Researcher

Dr. Hannah Park received her MA and Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics and TESOL and Foreign Language Education from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Texas at Austin. While serving in the capacity of an educator for the past fifteen plus years, working with culturally and linguistically diverse populations, she has taught all levels of multilingual students in K-12 and post/secondary settings. She has taught PreK-12 bilingual/ESL pre-service teachers; both international and domestic undergraduates in first-year composition courses; graduate student instructors (TAs and AIs) in pedagogy training courses; new faculty orientation and trainings; online graduate masters courses for bilingual/ESL pre-service and in-service teachers; doctoral assessment courses and dissertation supervisions for school leaders and superintendents; literacy-based bilingual learners of English, refugees, immigrants and local adult ESL students; ESL students at various intensive English programs and language institutes; and also bi/multilingual learners in secondary classrooms, being certified to teach English language arts and ESL in Wisconsin and Illinois. In these contexts, she has always conducted her research with multilingual learners from more than 35 countries about their language and identity development as shown in online a/synchronous discourse and multimodal composing. In addition to working with multilingual student populations, she has also collaborated with hundreds of PreK-12 pre-service and in-service teachers and district ESL coordinators, high school language arts, ESL, Special Education, and Spanish teachers, and faculty and staff members who have decades of teaching experiences in and outside the U.S. Her research interests focus on teacher education (bilingual/ESL/world language); multimodal composing; computer-mediated communication (CMC) and online discourse; computer-assisted language learning (CALL); teacher identity and emotion; and learning and cognition, viewed from sociocultural perspectives. Most of her research work involves qualitative and quantitative data triangulated from multiple sources, published in Computers & Education, Computers in Human Behaviors, Teaching and Teacher Education, Journal of Teacher Education, International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, and Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice.
Contact Information
Phone: (608) 571-7538
Office: Ed Sciences